Thursday 19 February 2009

Survey Questions

Salam and helloo...
This is the response regarding the survey questions posted by Dr. Nabilah:
Academic detail:
1) Gender: Female
2) Program : B. Ed TESL (ED 220)
3) Major : TESL
4) Minor : Counselling
5) Point of entrance into Faculty of Education : STPM/Matriculation/ Diploma : I did my Pre-Degree TESL in Malacca for 2 semesters. Then pursuing my degree here in Shah Alam.
6) CGPA : 3.77
7) Was your major your own choice or that of others (i.e: your parents)? : Yes, it's my own choice. Since I was in secondary school (Form 4 specifically), my English teacher encouraged me to pursue my studies in TESL, as she knew that I'm good at language compared to my other Science subjects. Then, I took the initiatives to find out more about TESL, and here I am now, completing my last sem of B. Ed TESL. Aamin!
8) Do you hold any scholarships (KPM, KPTM, Yayasan, etc)? If so, please state.: Yes, I took KMP scholarship and expected to serve the nation for the next 5 years of my life. It’s not a big deal for me then.
Family background:
1) Father’s occupation : Teacher at SMK Dato' Sri Amar Diraja, Muar, Johore.
2) Mother’s occupation : Teacher at SK Sultan Abu Bakar (2), Muar, Johore.
3) Annual family income (approximate) : RM 85 000.00
Teaching experience:
1) Succinctly describe your experience throughout practicum. : It was a combination of bittersweet experiences, preferably the good ones. Yet, I still take note of the bad things that happened, hope it won’t happen again and trying not to repeat the same mistakes done. Still, I treasure every single seconds of my practicum session.
2) Do you plan to teach in schools upon graduation (assuming that the post is there for you)? YES.
Please state specifically reasons behind your decision, specifically indicating major motivation for servicing in schools. : Other than being attached to the government, I personally want to be a teacher. It's been my ultimate passion to be a teacher. I don’t see myself doing other things than being a teacher as teaching suits my personality best. And this actually serves as my contribution back to the society.
3) Did your practicum experience deter you from serving as a teacher in Malaysian public schools?: No, definitely not. I see it more like a learning experience or first-hand experience before I jump into teaching profession. I started to view things differently after my practicum. Being a teacher is not only about teaching, it’s more than that; administration work, outside activities and even to handle a school itself as an organization. Interruption from parents or even outsiders is undeniable, but through experiences and also careful consideration before making a decision, should be helpful. This thing even makes me more excited to be a teacher. Reality check!
4) If teaching is still a choice, where (and at what level) do you plan to teach? : I’m thinking of starting my life at Putrajaya, since it provides a better environment to raise a family. Its peacefulness and serenity make me consider Putrajaya as my first place for posting. Maybe as a starting point, I will be an English teacher at secondary school level. After gaining more experiences, I would like to be/apply for Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris. Only then, thinking of myself of being a motivator or consultant. Still, planning ahead of time.
5) If teaching IS NOT your choice of a profession, what are your plans upon graduation? : Since I’m pro of being a teacher, I have no problem planning my next years of life in the teaching profession. I don’t see being a teacher itself is a burden, especially in the current situation of Malaysian education system. It’s a challenge waiting for me and I would like to challenge myself.
Being a teacher is a NOBLE JOB ;D

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