Wednesday 18 February 2009


Salam and Helloo....

This J Cross exercise i created during CALL time... My frens said it's too challenging, they don't know about fast cars... hehehe... And they even argue with me, either Skyline is considered as one the fast cars... After much argument, i told them , it's MY exercise, i created them, so, totally up to ME to design it laa... Hahhaha... ;D No hard feeling then! Case closed! Sory babe =p

Frankly speaking, i prefer JCross than any other Hot Pots exercises. This one is kinda easy to design as Dr. Izham made the lesson even more interesting n at slow pace... hehhe... GBJ sir! (Only certain people know this term, and seriously not good! hohho...)
Life without laugh is laugh less lol

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