Wednesday 25 March 2009



Kecak (pronounced: /'ke.tʃak/, roughly "KEH-chahk", alternate spellings: Ketjak and Ketjack), a form of Balinese music drama, originated in the 1930s and is performed primarily by men. Also known as the Ramayana Monkey Chant, the piece, performed by a circle of 100 or more performers wearing checked cloth around their waists, percussively chanting "cak" and throwing up their arms, depicts a battle from the Ramayana where the monkey-like Vanara helped Prince Rama fight the evil King Ravana. However, Kecak has roots in sanghyang, a trance-inducing exorcism dance.[1]

Kecak was originally a trance ritual accompanied by male chorus. German painter and musician Walter Spies became deeply interested in the ritual while living in Bali in the 1930s and worked to recreate it into a drama, based on the Hindu Ramayana and including dance, intended to be presented to Western tourist audiences. This transformation is an example of what James Clifford describes as part of the "modern art-culture system"[2] in which, "the West or the central power adopts, transforms, and consumes non-Western or peripheral cultural elements, while making 'art' which was once embedded in the culture as a while, into a separate entity."[3] Spies worked with Wayan Limbak and Limbak popularized the dance by traveling throughout the world with Balinese performance groups. These travels have helped to make the Kecak famous throughout the world.

Cak kecak cak kecak cak cak cak... ;D

Thursday 12 March 2009



LEVEL : Form 4 (Intermediate and Advanced)

TIME : 60 minutes

AIMS : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to find specific information on a Website; to present the information obtained onto the worksheet and to practice voting online. Students also should be able to transfer the information in the website by coming out with creative brochure, pamphlet or poster.

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: One computer per group of 2 - 3 students, with an Internet connection, a web browser and LCD projector.

1. Locate sites offering New 7 Wonders of the World.
2. Check sites before lesson and all the technical requirements.
3. Prepare task and worksheet to be completed by students.



Set Induction:

1. Teacher asks students about great buildings that they have seen in any movie or if they have been to any interesting places.
Eg; Eiffel Tower, France in Eiffel I’m in love, Stonehenge, UK etc.
2. Teacher asks students to express whatever comes across their minds.
3. Teacher shares students’ answers and relates with today’s lesson; ‘The New 7 Wonders of the World’.


1. Teacher asks students about the Declaration of the New 7 Wonders of the World in Lisbon, Portugal on Sunday, 7 July 2007 (07.07.07). Students can guess any places that they know or might be the answers.
2. Students are divided into 2 - 3 persons per group. Students are sent to explore the website of and ask them to check their answers.
3. Teacher gives worksheet consists of map of the world. Students are instructed to locate all the 7 places. Even if they don’t know it, they can presume where it is located and discuss it with their friends.
4. Teacher discusses the answers together with students.
5. Students are asked to vote for the New7 Wonders of Nature in the website Teacher assists students by demonstrating the voting process.
6. Due to time constraint, only one student per group can vote while the remaining will continue at home. Students will have to inform teacher of their votes - by stating the reasons why they choose it.


1. Teacher sums up today’s lesson besides inculcating some related moral values.
2. Teacher thanks students for their cooperation and participation.


1. Students are instructed to come out with a brochure, pamphlet or poster to promote one interesting place of the New 7 Wonders of the World. All the information needed can be obtained from the websites given. The brochure or pamphlet will be presented in front of their classmates and will be evaluated based on creativity. Students can discuss among themselves of which places they want to do.

Prepared by;
Noor Adibah Mustapha

Its been a long time since I last write a Lesson Plan ;D

Thursday 19 February 2009

Survey Questions

Salam and helloo...
This is the response regarding the survey questions posted by Dr. Nabilah:
Academic detail:
1) Gender: Female
2) Program : B. Ed TESL (ED 220)
3) Major : TESL
4) Minor : Counselling
5) Point of entrance into Faculty of Education : STPM/Matriculation/ Diploma : I did my Pre-Degree TESL in Malacca for 2 semesters. Then pursuing my degree here in Shah Alam.
6) CGPA : 3.77
7) Was your major your own choice or that of others (i.e: your parents)? : Yes, it's my own choice. Since I was in secondary school (Form 4 specifically), my English teacher encouraged me to pursue my studies in TESL, as she knew that I'm good at language compared to my other Science subjects. Then, I took the initiatives to find out more about TESL, and here I am now, completing my last sem of B. Ed TESL. Aamin!
8) Do you hold any scholarships (KPM, KPTM, Yayasan, etc)? If so, please state.: Yes, I took KMP scholarship and expected to serve the nation for the next 5 years of my life. It’s not a big deal for me then.
Family background:
1) Father’s occupation : Teacher at SMK Dato' Sri Amar Diraja, Muar, Johore.
2) Mother’s occupation : Teacher at SK Sultan Abu Bakar (2), Muar, Johore.
3) Annual family income (approximate) : RM 85 000.00
Teaching experience:
1) Succinctly describe your experience throughout practicum. : It was a combination of bittersweet experiences, preferably the good ones. Yet, I still take note of the bad things that happened, hope it won’t happen again and trying not to repeat the same mistakes done. Still, I treasure every single seconds of my practicum session.
2) Do you plan to teach in schools upon graduation (assuming that the post is there for you)? YES.
Please state specifically reasons behind your decision, specifically indicating major motivation for servicing in schools. : Other than being attached to the government, I personally want to be a teacher. It's been my ultimate passion to be a teacher. I don’t see myself doing other things than being a teacher as teaching suits my personality best. And this actually serves as my contribution back to the society.
3) Did your practicum experience deter you from serving as a teacher in Malaysian public schools?: No, definitely not. I see it more like a learning experience or first-hand experience before I jump into teaching profession. I started to view things differently after my practicum. Being a teacher is not only about teaching, it’s more than that; administration work, outside activities and even to handle a school itself as an organization. Interruption from parents or even outsiders is undeniable, but through experiences and also careful consideration before making a decision, should be helpful. This thing even makes me more excited to be a teacher. Reality check!
4) If teaching is still a choice, where (and at what level) do you plan to teach? : I’m thinking of starting my life at Putrajaya, since it provides a better environment to raise a family. Its peacefulness and serenity make me consider Putrajaya as my first place for posting. Maybe as a starting point, I will be an English teacher at secondary school level. After gaining more experiences, I would like to be/apply for Guru Cemerlang Bahasa Inggeris. Only then, thinking of myself of being a motivator or consultant. Still, planning ahead of time.
5) If teaching IS NOT your choice of a profession, what are your plans upon graduation? : Since I’m pro of being a teacher, I have no problem planning my next years of life in the teaching profession. I don’t see being a teacher itself is a burden, especially in the current situation of Malaysian education system. It’s a challenge waiting for me and I would like to challenge myself.
Being a teacher is a NOBLE JOB ;D

Wednesday 18 February 2009


Salam and Helloo....

This J Cross exercise i created during CALL time... My frens said it's too challenging, they don't know about fast cars... hehehe... And they even argue with me, either Skyline is considered as one the fast cars... After much argument, i told them , it's MY exercise, i created them, so, totally up to ME to design it laa... Hahhaha... ;D No hard feeling then! Case closed! Sory babe =p

Frankly speaking, i prefer JCross than any other Hot Pots exercises. This one is kinda easy to design as Dr. Izham made the lesson even more interesting n at slow pace... hehhe... GBJ sir! (Only certain people know this term, and seriously not good! hohho...)
Life without laugh is laugh less lol

Monday 9 February 2009


The website that I have chosen for Task 2 - Website Evaluation is Below is all the evaluation done based on the nine questions given.

1. What does the application attempt to “teach”? is a free ESL, EFL & ELT website that offers top quality printable and interactive English grammar and vocabulary exercises for teachers and students. There are grammar & vocabulary quizzes, crosswords, word search and several fun puzzles that make the learning and teaching of English easy and fun. These grammar and vocabulary resources will save English teachers lesson planning time and offer students a great free opportunity at online self-study. Since this website focuses more on grammar, therefore, among them would be Adjectives, Adverbs, Nouns, Comparatives/Superlatives, Conjunctions and many more. Apart from grammar, there is also pronunciation aspect that recently been included to further enhance the students’ learning English process in terms of speaking ability.

2. What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?

In this website, there are grammar and vocabulary quizzes, crosswords, word search and several fun puzzles that make the learning and teaching of English more fun and enjoyable. Not only focuses on exercises, this website also has speaking aspect for students to improve their communication style. Pronunciation is one area that recently added as one of the contents. It comprises phonetic vowel and consonant exercises in the form of videos, worksheets, self-tests and mp3 downloads. It has many features which users can use in order to learn English language. This website is very simple yet offers many interactive and quality exercises from beginner to advanced level. All the users have to do is to select and click on the preferred level and activities, and users will be taken to a page with all the worksheets displayed as thumbnails. Or, users can click on the graphic to download the pdf files they want. After answering the exercises, students will be given feedbacks of their performance. Simply speaking, everything is on your fingers tips with just one click!

3. What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/assess/use the application?

There are no specific computer skills that users need to have as this application is easily accessible. It requires minimal knowledge of computer skills such as the ability to choose the preferred activities appeared on the screen and also by clicking the correct answers. However, it would be an advantage if users know how to download files as in this website, there are many pdf files that can be downloaded for further usage. Users also have options to print out the exercises as it also comes in printable version of exercises for the ease of the users. Yes, being alert with the latest gadgets invention is a blessed, but this application is the exact one to be used by teachers as it requires minimal knowledge of technology.

Most importantly, one has to have internet connection to get access to this website. There is no subscription fee since it is free for everyone to use it. Also, there is no log in ID if users intend to operate this website. The instructions given are clear and users can automatically understand what they have to do. It will automatically pop-up on the monitor and users don’t have to wait for quite a long time for the program to run. Basically, if one knows how to operate computers, he or she will know to use this website as basic computer skills would be helpful.

4. While you are “playing”/”accessing”/”assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmates, or in self-study?

Yes, it does remind me of some activities that I did in school when I was studying especially when doing grammar exercises. Even though this website is a virtual style of learning, but when it comes to doing the exercises, it is like any other normal classroom routines. Users are required to do the exercises and then check the answers. By giving out the correct answers, it resembles teachers’ roles in a classroom situation. Moreover, doing the online exercises reflects a situation in which users do self-study. Users will revise certain topics and then do the exercises to test their understanding. Basically, these aspects mentioned are the same, it is just the matter of doing it in reality and also in virtual.

As to relate this website to my practicum session, I sometimes used this website especially if I want to teach grammar. It is such a helpful aid when in need. The exercises are practical and easily comprehend by my students especially those who come from the last class. When talking about grammar, undeniably it takes a lot of practice and exercises. But, with the assistance of this website, everything comes in handy. Such a blessed creation for novice teachers likes me, indeed!

5. Can you pin-point some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

Frankly speaking, as this website focuses more on grammar, therefore, there are Inductive and Deductive Approaches involved. Inductive approach starts with some examples from which a rule is inferred. Deductive approach on the other hand starts with the presentation of a rule and is followed by examples in which the rule is applied. Students are presented with examples and rules of certain grammar aspects, then, they are required to do the exercises given. Therefore, either Inductive or Deductive approach, students are more motivated and attentive as active learning is promoted. It also promotes greater self-reliance and leaner autonomy.

This approach also can be related to Experiential Learning in which inductive learning by discovery activates strategies that enable students to “take charge” of their own learning progress. As American educator John Dewey said “one learns best by doing and by active experimentation”, it also applies to this theory, “learning by experience”. It gives users concrete experiences through which they discover language by trial and error, by processing feedback, by building hypotheses about language and by revising it to become more fluent (Eyring, 1991).

Lastly, it also involves Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). Students are given opportunities to focus on their own learning process through an understanding of their own learning styles of learning. It means that, students take control of their own learning. In relation to this, Student-Centred approach also comes in context. The role of the teacher is that of facilitator and guide, no more an all-knowing bestower of knowledge. Students are therefore encouraged to construct meaning through genuine linguistic interaction with others.

6. How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website(s)?

Constructivism can be understood as an approach to learning which emphasizes that individuals actively construct knowledge and understanding Santrock, 2006). The impact of constructivist theory of learning applied in this website can be seen clearly in the aspect in which users make their own learning independently. As they explore more about the website, the more they can gain from it. For example, when they make mistakes while doing the activities, they learn from the mistakes they made and subsequently trying not to repeat the same mistake when they attempt to answer the activities again next time. In this way, users are expected to check their own performance and progress in learning English. Users are responsible for their own learning. In the constructivist view, teachers should not attempt to simply pour information into student’s minds. Rather, students should be encouraged to explore their world, discover knowledge, reflect and think critically. Reflecting to this website, the constructivist theory of learning can be found in which students take control of their own learning and teacher functions as facilitator only.

7. In 1980s early 1990s, there was a major debate on ‘whether the computer was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation - was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

Personally, I think that to an extent, I agree that computer as a replacement for teachers. Students can learn independently. This statement is especially true for advanced learners who require minimal support and guidance from teachers. They can survive via computers when doing online exercises. In fact, they may perform better in class if they really manipulate the advantage of these online exercises. It also benefits teachers when they are busy with other administrative works that requires much of their time and attention. It is undeniably not easy to coming up with meaningful interaction among students. It takes energy and creativity to devise authentic contexts and meaningful interaction, yet, with the help of this application, it surely can be helpful. It is less burdening for teachers and less time consuming to come out with own lesson of teaching. So, this application comes in handy to teachers as their teaching aids. With the help from this website, teachers can ensure that their lesson are more organized and follow smoothly. Everything is just a click away with computer.

However, to an extent also, I personally agree with the statement that computers merely an obedient servant to students. One thing that computers are lacking of is the interaction between the learners and computer who is supposed to monitor the progress of the students. When learning something, students need realistic respond from their teachers. They need support, guidance, praise and even sarcasm to boost up their motivation in learning. If this aspect is missing, students will be demotivated to learn. It also can’t cater to different needs of the students as students are different from one another. They are absolutely diverse in terms of learning styles. Some of them are Visual learners, some of them are Auditory learners and even some are Tactile/Kinesthetic learners. When attention is given to the learning styles of the students and incorporated into the classroom decision, students’ ease in learning and retention of material will increase. And this can only be done with the significance of real English teachers. Computers are just connection of thousands mechanical entities, unlike humans who are filled with affective instincts, cognitive notions and also kinesthetic motions. Sometimes, to an extreme point, students learn better with the real vicious expression and vigorous body movement from the teachers, as the retention of the teachers doing weird phenomenon like that stays longer in their minds. It somehow helps them understand things better than usual monotonous teaching.

In short, I would say that computers are merely an obedient servant to students but definitely would never be a total replacement for teachers. Computers only serve as helping tool to aid in the teaching and learning process of English.

8. Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?

Yes? Give reasons:

Yes, I would definitely use this website for my future work. This website offers free ESL resources for both teachers and also students. As I mentioned earlier, these grammar and vocabulary resources will save English teachers lesson planning time and offer students a great free opportunity at online self-study. It is best used when I want to teach grammar in the class. The content is well-organized, the vocabulary is comprehensible and it is motivating for the students to learn. This website also is easily accessible and user-friendly, thus practical for everyday use.

Moreover, the website has partnered with other useful links of ESL websites such as and that offer various interesting and quality resources. So, I have thousands of materials that can be utilized in my classroom. Thus, it should not be a problem for me to run away from the conventional chalk-and-talk kind of learning. The worksheets come on printable version, hence saving my time for other things.

No? Give reasons:

Nevertheless, with the assistance of this website, it can make me too dependent on it. If I were over relying on this website, it somehow decreases my creativity and critical thinking of coming out with own lesson. This website should only functions as supplementary material but not the core of my lesson. Maybe sometimes I can use the activities, and some other times using my own creation of lesson. As a novice teacher, this is the time where I apply all what I have learned in university, rather than depend too much on the already-prepared materials.

9. Suggestions/ Recommendations.

I strongly believe that is a good website for both teachers and students. Nonetheless, I would like to suggest several things that can make this website even a wonderful resource centre for everyone. First, the web moderator can add up more graphics, animations, pictures and colourful layout. As teenagers are considered to be the target group for this program, therefore, there should be more graphics and animation to aid the learning process. Therefore, the program created should be interesting, lively and fun. Teenagers need this exaggeration to keep their spirits buoyed and minds alert. This serves as to make them stay focus and less distracted. Without these additional factors, students can easily get bored and demotivated to learn.

Second, the website can also include online discussion or forum. Via this forum, teachers, students and even parents can interact with others all over the world. They can discuss among themselves various topics; be it about ESL or even about ways to improve their language learning. This exchange and ideas sharing session can somehow improve their perspectives of seeing things; through experiences, ideas and also critics partaking.

Lastly, this website can also add more of other English aspects other than grammar per say. The web moderator can also include about Reading and Writing skills. If these elements are attached together, this website can serve as one stop centre for students to learn English. These varieties can help students learn English better online by monitoring their own progress. This is also somehow to promote Experiential Learning among the students. In a way, it reduces the dependency of students clinging on teachers, to be more independent and responsible of their own learning.

As a conclusion, despite of its weaknesses mentioned above, this weebsite can still be exploited in classroom of language learning due to its good features. By utilizing classroom teaching techniques that build on individual style, teachers can facilitate the second language learning process for children.

  1. Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York, United States of America: Addison Wesley Longman Inc.
  2. Santrock, W. J. (2006). Educational Psychology: Classroom Update, Preparing for PRAXIS and Practice. (2nd ed.). New York: The McGraw Hill Companies.
  3. Thornbury, S. (2004). How to Teach Grammar. England: Pearson Education

Prepared by:
Noor Adibah Mustapha

It takes more than energy, time and resources to finish up this
one task lol

Sunday 18 January 2009

In-Class Assignment 2

Salam and hello everyone...
This is the end product of what i learnt in class last wednesday... Kinda simple, dunno laa, just trying =)

It's been a while since i last write in this blog. Keep me updated then lol

Saturday 3 January 2009

Continue... In-Class Assignment 1

Salam and hello again...
I'm taking the chance of the weekend to update my blog...Yeah, i know that after referring to my other friend's blogs, absolutely AWESOME dude!!! Undoubtedly, all my friends are techno savvy generations =p what a compliment ladies and gents!!! so, let's continue with myself aka my expertise in ICT in particular ;)

Skills and knowledge of computer i know:
Honestly, i know how to utilize Microsoft Office applications; namely the 3 famous ones would be Word, Powerpoint and Excell...Other than that like Publisher, Front page, Access, Infopath etc. surely it takes millions of my seconds...huhhu...(to be honest you see)...As my aunt is a lecturer for Civil Engineering course, part of it, i'm indulge into other software applications related like SPSS, AutoCAD etc. (FYI, i'm like her assistant, part-time doing her presentation +works =p) AutoCAD is a software about how you want to design certain buildings or even object. For beginner like me, i first draw different shapes only...This software is normally used in industries or Engineering students laa basically...It's quite complicated at first, but after you get the hang of it, you just go with the flow...Speaking about this, i have the touch to make it real laa, maybe after zillions of seconds, and after try and error, i suppose =) Even tough I'm not into this era of being a robotic kinda human like, i have to at least know part of it...
Other than that, i know to use (bear in mind, not expert haa, kind of basic knowledge only laa) other software like Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator...But, i haven't mastered Flash or Macromedia, as still need to explore on my own and learn it from my sister =) Huhhu then...I did learn how to create my own Website when i was doing my Pre-Degree program, but i cant really remember the steps involve as i don't practice it either...What a shameful knowledge if you don't practice it, right? My fault then =( I admit...
Since last year, i have the keen & interest in downloading songs from Ares and Limewire...As i have a deep passion on underground & independent music, i love to download songs; just to keep me updated with the current music industry...From hip hop, pop, rock and hardcore to nasyid also, i can layan laa, no problem punya...Huhhu, i know my parents wont support me when i'm talking about this, i just do it in my room, quietly, to avoid my mum to give another "Kuliah Mghrib"...I know, i should do other better things, but I LOVE MUSIC and MUSIC IS MY LIFE =) This one, i cant stop it... Sorry Mum, Luv ya!!! ;) I know Ares from my cousin, he advised me to download it from Ares as before this i used Limewire...Yeah, undoubtedly, when you download songs, u will accidentally download other viruses as well...This one is unbearable, nothing much to say, huhhu...But, if you like it, just go with it laa...No objection Your Honour!!!
Regarding the internet activities that i always do, other than downloading songs from Ares, are namely chatting with my friends through Yahoo Messenger...I also have Friendster account, in which now is under construction ( as i have to do some renovation updating the pics etc)...This is to keep me in contact with my other friends from different fields, and also my students =p Also, watching interesting videos from You Tube... As Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox is no longer express-way and less applicable, i now use Safari... It's less time consuming as it faster to upload and when you watch videos, it's less buffering...Huhhu, i download this one free from the internet la of course =) and i feel this one is more relaxing as you don't have to wait for quite a long time just to watch a video, huhhhuu, less curse, if i may add... lol I check my emel regularly, maybe the ^malas+lambat~est^ would be once a week =p This is to keep me updated, i guess...Apart from, that, i always read the newspaper online, be it from Berita Harian or News Straits Times...As I'm environmentally cautious, i prefer to read the news online...Go for a greener Earth, and safe your mother nature... Safe your money and also safe the environment =) (Safe my scholarship money actually, hahha)... I also read some entertainment gossips from ^Murai^ sometimes...This one is important, as to keep me informed about the artists scenario, huhhu...What a kepoci we have here! =p I also love to Google, when i have to search for information... Now i do it more frequently as i have to dig more info for the sake of my AE =) I also have numerous subscriptions for my Life-Long-Education... For example; from Marvin Marshall, Post Grad Asia, Education World Professional Development etc. I always dream to pursue my Master's Degree overseas, and through this kind of virtual exposure, i can have better perspective in which country i should go then =)
I shall pen off here...Before i stop, here's one quotation i got from my friend a very long time ago...Enjoy reading it...

"It takes 15 tress to produce the amount of paper that you use to write in 1 exam. Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees... SAY NO TO EXAMS"...Huhhu...Go online, instead! =)

Wrapping up, update your blogs always and let your passion of ICT run wild...I shall stop here lol