Sunday 18 January 2009

In-Class Assignment 2

Salam and hello everyone...
This is the end product of what i learnt in class last wednesday... Kinda simple, dunno laa, just trying =)

It's been a while since i last write in this blog. Keep me updated then lol

Saturday 3 January 2009

Continue... In-Class Assignment 1

Salam and hello again...
I'm taking the chance of the weekend to update my blog...Yeah, i know that after referring to my other friend's blogs, absolutely AWESOME dude!!! Undoubtedly, all my friends are techno savvy generations =p what a compliment ladies and gents!!! so, let's continue with myself aka my expertise in ICT in particular ;)

Skills and knowledge of computer i know:
Honestly, i know how to utilize Microsoft Office applications; namely the 3 famous ones would be Word, Powerpoint and Excell...Other than that like Publisher, Front page, Access, Infopath etc. surely it takes millions of my seconds...huhhu...(to be honest you see)...As my aunt is a lecturer for Civil Engineering course, part of it, i'm indulge into other software applications related like SPSS, AutoCAD etc. (FYI, i'm like her assistant, part-time doing her presentation +works =p) AutoCAD is a software about how you want to design certain buildings or even object. For beginner like me, i first draw different shapes only...This software is normally used in industries or Engineering students laa basically...It's quite complicated at first, but after you get the hang of it, you just go with the flow...Speaking about this, i have the touch to make it real laa, maybe after zillions of seconds, and after try and error, i suppose =) Even tough I'm not into this era of being a robotic kinda human like, i have to at least know part of it...
Other than that, i know to use (bear in mind, not expert haa, kind of basic knowledge only laa) other software like Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator...But, i haven't mastered Flash or Macromedia, as still need to explore on my own and learn it from my sister =) Huhhu then...I did learn how to create my own Website when i was doing my Pre-Degree program, but i cant really remember the steps involve as i don't practice it either...What a shameful knowledge if you don't practice it, right? My fault then =( I admit...
Since last year, i have the keen & interest in downloading songs from Ares and Limewire...As i have a deep passion on underground & independent music, i love to download songs; just to keep me updated with the current music industry...From hip hop, pop, rock and hardcore to nasyid also, i can layan laa, no problem punya...Huhhu, i know my parents wont support me when i'm talking about this, i just do it in my room, quietly, to avoid my mum to give another "Kuliah Mghrib"...I know, i should do other better things, but I LOVE MUSIC and MUSIC IS MY LIFE =) This one, i cant stop it... Sorry Mum, Luv ya!!! ;) I know Ares from my cousin, he advised me to download it from Ares as before this i used Limewire...Yeah, undoubtedly, when you download songs, u will accidentally download other viruses as well...This one is unbearable, nothing much to say, huhhu...But, if you like it, just go with it laa...No objection Your Honour!!!
Regarding the internet activities that i always do, other than downloading songs from Ares, are namely chatting with my friends through Yahoo Messenger...I also have Friendster account, in which now is under construction ( as i have to do some renovation updating the pics etc)...This is to keep me in contact with my other friends from different fields, and also my students =p Also, watching interesting videos from You Tube... As Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox is no longer express-way and less applicable, i now use Safari... It's less time consuming as it faster to upload and when you watch videos, it's less buffering...Huhhu, i download this one free from the internet la of course =) and i feel this one is more relaxing as you don't have to wait for quite a long time just to watch a video, huhhhuu, less curse, if i may add... lol I check my emel regularly, maybe the ^malas+lambat~est^ would be once a week =p This is to keep me updated, i guess...Apart from, that, i always read the newspaper online, be it from Berita Harian or News Straits Times...As I'm environmentally cautious, i prefer to read the news online...Go for a greener Earth, and safe your mother nature... Safe your money and also safe the environment =) (Safe my scholarship money actually, hahha)... I also read some entertainment gossips from ^Murai^ sometimes...This one is important, as to keep me informed about the artists scenario, huhhu...What a kepoci we have here! =p I also love to Google, when i have to search for information... Now i do it more frequently as i have to dig more info for the sake of my AE =) I also have numerous subscriptions for my Life-Long-Education... For example; from Marvin Marshall, Post Grad Asia, Education World Professional Development etc. I always dream to pursue my Master's Degree overseas, and through this kind of virtual exposure, i can have better perspective in which country i should go then =)
I shall pen off here...Before i stop, here's one quotation i got from my friend a very long time ago...Enjoy reading it...

"It takes 15 tress to produce the amount of paper that you use to write in 1 exam. Join us in promoting the noble cause of saving trees... SAY NO TO EXAMS"...Huhhu...Go online, instead! =)

Wrapping up, update your blogs always and let your passion of ICT run wild...I shall stop here lol